We are delighted to partner with Salt & Light Leadership Coaching, a leadership coaching company started by Jon Bircher. Jon has designed the company to be generous by design. One key design feature of Salt & Light is to pledge 𝟏𝟎% of their incoming revenue, not simply a portion of profits, to FISCH.
Our intention is to use these donations, and Jon's business and coaching experience, specifically to develop vocational training, micro-enterprise and transition into employment when appropriate.
For many years we have invested in vocational training courses for FISCH Kids for whom the normal education system is no longer appropriate. In addition to this we have trained a number through our own Sewing Club at the FISCH Drop-in-Centre.
With the support of Salt & Light Leadership Coaching we aim to accelerate the quantity and quality of the vocational training courses we can provide to FISCH Kids. This partnership also enables us to support more of these young people into employment, and where appropriate provide capital support to set up their own small micro-enterprises
Some of you may have heard of Neto via our updates in the FISCH Food. Neto is one of the first individuals FISCH ever supported and over the years has become a key member of the community. He has benefitted from Food Parcels and educational support, regularly attending the Saturday Feeding Project and other programmes at FISCH. We have seen him grow as a person and become a role model for other Kids, captaining the FISCH Utd football team on many occasions.
Neto (to the left) has been getting by through ad hoc jobs, such as carrying goods to be sold at the local market, as well as selling spices and other items where possible. With Charles’ help, Neto prepared a business plan, to build a small business selling spices and vegetables away from the market. With capital support from FISCH, a short trial was started to see if there is sufficient potential for this to become a successful venture for Neto. Neto's business flourished and he was able to pay back his small loan from FISCH in full and before schedule. Well done Neto!
This is just one of many micro business opportunities that we hope to support in the coming months, as we continue to pursue our target of helping FISCH-registered individuals reach full independence.
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