On 1st September 2007, we met with 20 boys who were living on the street, played football together and then provided them with a meal. This became the first feeding project, and we have met every Saturday since!
Whilst FISCH has grown and developed over the years to provide a number of different services and resources to the children, the Saturday Club has remained core to what we do, and has changed very little since it started.
The club is designed primarily for those children who are most in need. A mix of both boys and girls, mainly living on the street, begging on the street for food on a regular basis, or desperately short on food at home. Numbers can range from between 30 – 60 children.
Activities are varied, and include a wide range of sports and games to encourage relationship building and teamwork. Before the meal is provided a short talk is given, usually by a member of the FISCH team or a guest speaker. This may be a word of encouragement or parable from the bible, or some guidance on health issues such as hygiene or HIV prevention.
An item of practical help such as soap or clothing may be provided, and on occasion a barber will be present to provide hair cuts for those who want it.
Each child is provided with a meal and drink, which for some may be the only proper meal they receive that week.
As well as meeting basic physical needs such as nutrition, and social needs through the many activities, this project also provides an opportunity for FISCH staff to touch base with children on a regular basis and follow up on their progress.
The club is designed primarily for those children who are most in need. A mix of both boys and girls, mainly living on the street, begging on the street for money or food. Whilst the team also actively walk the streets regularly to identify new needy children, it is often the case that they seek out FISCH by attending the Saturday project. Each new child is interviewed and their situation carefully assessed and verified before becoming registered as a child that FISCH will seek to help.
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